Congratulations to our graduate student, Madison Dunlap, on being selected as a University of California Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (UC-LEND) Trainee in the 2023-2024 cohort.
The UC-LEND training program is intended to accomplish the objectives of developing high levels of interdisciplinary skills, leadership, and advocacy abilities through a public health lens. LEND Trainees are expected to assume leadership roles in the provision of health and related care, continuing education, technical assistance, research, and consultation for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Trainees will complete at least 300 hours of interdisciplinary clinical, research, and didactic training, including at least 12 hours of clinical observation.
Madie’s doctoral research focuses on second language phonetic imitation ability of children with varying Autism Quotient (AQ) scores. Through her research, she hopes to better understand the linguistic profile of children with autism and their bilingualism potential.
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