Give Back

Your gift will make an immediate difference to the continued excellence of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA – thank you.

Previous gifts have made possible:

  • Travel scholarships for graduate students to pursue their research.
  • A library and reading room that serves as the hub of activity for Departmental programs.
  • Visiting lecturers to expand the breadth of language study beyond conventional boundaries.

Friends of Spanish and Portuguese

As a Friend of Spanish and Portuguese, you are joining a group of vibrant individuals who support the department and its most pressing needs. From graduate student support, to public programs, as well as research innovation and expanding our teaching opportunities – being a Friend is an active way to make a distinct impact on the Department.

Spanish and Portuguese Department Fund

Through your generosity to this fund, we can sustain our departments’ basic programmatic needs, enrich our students’ educational experience, and maintain its eminence in research and teaching.

Ways to Give

Using the button below, you can securely donate online using PayPal or credit card.


As always, we also welcome contributions by check. Please make the check payable to The UCLA Foundation, and send it to:

UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese
c/o Pamela Sullivan, Director of Development, Humanities
1309 Murphy Hall
Box 951413
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Chancellor‘s Society

In recognition of the importance of your support, you may be part of the UCLA leadership giving program, the Chancellor’s Society and receive special courtesies based on your leadership level annual gift.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or would like to make inquiries regarding matching gifts, including the Department in your estate, or endowing a scholarship, fellowship or chair, please contact Pamela Sullivan, Director of Development, Humanities at:
(310) 648-2026