The Film Industry in Brazil

Culture and the State

University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987 Author(s): Randal Johnson The Film Industry in Brazil book cover

The Film Industry in Brazil: Culture and the State. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987.

Looking back through the prism of the severe economic crisis for filmmaking in the 1980s, The Film Industry in Brazil explores the unusual relationship between the state-supported industry, which often produced politically radical films, and the authoritarian regime that had held sway for twenty years. To ground his analysis, Johnson covers the early years of the film industry, 1898-1930; attempts at industrialization during the 1930s and 1940s; film industry congresses and government film boards, 1950-1966; the National Film Institute, 1966-1975; and the expansion of the state’s role from 1969 through 1980.


The Film Industry in Brazil book cover