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Spain 2025 Summer Study Abroad Information Session

156 Royce Hall 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles

  Please join us this Tuesday to learn more about our Spain study abroad programs happening this Summer! Open to undergraduates seeking to fulfill language requirements or advance their major lower division requirements.

Mapping Dry Land: Valparaíso and Late-Sixteenth-Century Morisco Ecologies

Lecture in the Talk Series "Mapping Dry Land: Valparaíso and Late-Sixteenth-Century Morisco Ecologies", by María Lumbreras, Assistant Professor of History of Art and Architecture at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The event will take place on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 4:00 PM in Lydeen Library (Rolfe 4302).


Mérida 2025 Summer Study Abroad Information Session

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Please join us in Lydeen Library (Rolfe 4302) on Wednesday, November 20 at 12:00 pm for an information session about the 2025 Mérida Summer Travel Study Abroad program!

El Mar y Sus Metáforas

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Ricardo Padrón studies the literature and culture of the early modern Hispanic world, particularly questions of empire, space, and cartography. His recently book, The Indies of the Setting Sun: How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East as the Transpacific West (Chicago 2020) examines the place of Pacific and Asia in the Spanish concept of...

Latin America and the Transports of Opera: Book Presentation by Roberto Ignacio Diaz

Roberto Ignacio Díaz is Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. He researches Latin American literary and cultural history with a focus on transatlantic relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He has previously written on multilingualism in Spanish American literature and on the prose of Jorge Luis Borges.


Book Presentation: Spanish Fashion in the Age of Velasquez: A Tailor at the Court of Philip IV

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Amanda Wunder will speak about her latest book, Spanish Fashion in the Age of Velázquez: A Tailor at the Court of Philip IV, which reconstructs the life and work of Mateo Aguado, a court tailor who dressed many of Diego Velázquez's most famous portrait sitters. None of the garments that Aguado made survive today, but...


2025 Distinguished Alumni Lecture

Hacienda Room, UCLA Faculty Club 480 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA

Note: This event is RSVP only Please join us in honoring the 2025 UCLA Spanish & Portuguese Distinguished Alumni Lecture Award recipient Dr. Jason Rothman, Professor at Lancaster University, U.K.. The 2025 Distinguished Alumni Lecture topic is “Behavioral and Brain Evidence for the Systematicity of Individual Differences in Heritage Language Bilingualism." Heritage Language (HL) bilinguals—native...

Haiti Situation Today

History Conference Room, Bunche 6275

Widlore Mérancourt is the editor in chief of Ayibopost and a Haitian journalist who has written extensively on gang violence and systemic corruption in Haiti. Laurent Dubois (Professor of the History & Principles of Democracy and Professor of History, University of Virginia) is a leading scholar of the Haitian Revolution who is currently Academic Director...


Jarchar, or the Art of Crossing in Yuri Herrera’s Señales que precederán al fin del mundo

Lydeen Library 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Talk also available by Zoom: Charlie Geyer (Ph.D., Vanderbilt University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Arizona. He specializes in the comparative study of Latin American and US Latinx literatures and cultures, with a focus on Border Studies and the aesthetics and politics of bordering...

“Voces de la diáspora venezolana: José Rafael Perozo”

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Talk also available by Zoom: Alejandro Castro tiene un doctorado en Español y Portugués de la Universidad de Nueva York. También es Licenciado en Artes por la Universidad Central de Venezuela y Magíster en Literatura Latinoamericana por la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Ha sido profesor tanto de la Escuela de Artes, como de la Escuela...

“Política e identidad maya mam en el siglo XXI: Periodismo comunitario y redes sociales”

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Glendy Agustin es una investigadora, activista y periodista comunitaria maya mam radicada en Comitancillo (San Marcos), en el occidente de Guatemala. Ha realizado múltiples investigaciones centradas en las tradiciones, la medicina, la espiritualidad, la vestimenta y la gastronomía de su comunidad maya mam. Asimismo, ha participado como activista en proyectos de rescate de la memoria...
