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A Lecture by Concepción Company Company (Academia Mexicana de la Lengua): “Historia y cultura en la creatividad y el cambio lingüísticos”

UCLA Lydeen Library (Rolfe Hall 4302) 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Speaker: Concepción Company Company (Academia Mexicana de la Lengua) Title: "Historia y cultura en la creatividad y el cambio lingüísticos" Date: Thursday, April 25th at 4 pm Location: Lydeen Library Co-sponsored with the Cátedra Latinoamericana Julio Cortázar, Universidad de Guadalajara.  

Attend: “Cuba en tres tiempos” with Dra. Susannah Rodríguez Drissi

Rolfe Hall 1301 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Cuba en tres tiempos: narrativas de autodeterminación y transformación desde la literatura, el teatro y el cine Una conversación con la Dra. Susannah Rodríguez Drissi (UCLA Writing Programs) Susannah Rodríguez Drissi (Ph.D. Comp Lit, UCLA) es una poeta, escritora, dramaturga, directora, productora e investigadora cubana multipremiada y enseña en Writing Programs y en el Academic...

A Lecture by Yvon Grenier: “A Canadian Affair: Pierre Trudeau, Fidel Castro, and the Cold War”

UCLA Lydeen Library (Rolfe Hall 4302) 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

In conjunction with the the UCLA Canadian Studies Program and the Program on Caribbean Studies, the Department of Spanish & Portuguese welcomes you to a talk by Dr. Yvon Grenier, Professor at St. Francis Xavier University in Canada. This lecture is titled "A Canadian Affair: Pierre Trudeau, Fidel Castro, and the Cold War" and will...

The LA Escena Festival of Hispanic Classical Theater

The LA Escena Festival of Hispanic classical theater will be back September 12–17, 2024. The fourth edition of Diversifying the Classics’ biennial festival will bring fresh takes on the comedia to UCLA’s newly renovated Nimoy Theater in Westwood, Los Angeles. LA Escena is Los Angeles’ first Hispanic classical theater festival, organized by UCLA’s Diversifying the Classics, which...


Handitik Txikira, Txikitik Haundira: The Creative Process of a Basque Writer

UCLA Lydeen Library (Rolfe Hall 4302) 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Kirmen Uribe will discuss the translation of his novel Bilbao-New York-Bilbao into English, along with the adaptation of a Basque-language novel into film, such as Elkarrekin Esnatzeko Ordua (2016) . This work is currently being filmed under the title Karmele, and directed by Asier Altuna. Kirmen is a Basque Language writer, and one of the...

Sentimentalismo, Masculinidades, e Imaginarios de Progreso en El Salvador de Entresiglos

Lydeen Library 345 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles

  Karina Zelaya is a Lecturer in the Dept. of Central American and Transborder Studies at CSUN, where she specializes in Salvadoran and Central American literature and culture. She is the author of a critical edition of the novel Roca-Celis, originally published in 1908 by politician and intellectual Manuel Delgado, and recently republished by Editorial...

Unexpected Routes and Beautiful Friendships: Refugee Writers in Mexico

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Tabea Linhard is a Professor of Spanish, Global Studies, and Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focuses on displacement and asylum experiences in the 1930s and 1940s, and she has published extensively on Spanish and Mexican literature and film, Memory Studies, Jewish Studies, and Mediterranean Studies.


Plotting Coordinates of Blackness in Central America

Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library Rolfe Hall 4302, Lydeen Library

Dr. Jennifer Gómez Menjívar (Ph.D. Ohio State U) is Professor in the Department of Media Arts and director of the MA in Media Industries and Critical Cultural Studies at University of North Texas. Her research interests include Indigenous Sovereignty Media, Latin American and Latinx Media, Grassroots and Participatory Media Practices, Cinematic Adaptation, Digital Culture, Critical...


Spain 2025 Summer Study Abroad Information Session

156 Royce Hall 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles

  Please join us this Tuesday to learn more about our Spain study abroad programs happening this Summer! Open to undergraduates seeking to fulfill language requirements or advance their major lower division requirements.