Graduate Student Journals
Mester is the annual graduate student journal of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at UCLA, dedicated to publishing work that reflects the highest level of scholarship while pushing the limits of accepted views and convenient categories. Since 1970, Mester has built a reputation as one of the best student-run journals in North America, publishing articles by established scholars alongside exceptional graduate student work.
Mester publishes critical articles, interviews, and book reviews in the fields of Spanish, Portuguese, Spanish American, Brazilian and Latino/a Literature and Linguistics. The journal also welcomes articles in Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, and Cultural Studies. Submissions may be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.
For more information, including previous issues, submission guidelines, and the Editorial Board, visit the journal homepage here:

Párrafo is a trilingual publication—English, Portuguese, and Spanish—that features collaborations within the fields of literature, the arts and culture. Produced by the students of the UCLA Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Párrafo started as a fanzine in 2004 and has evolved into a more artistic magazine and website. Párrafo publishes stories, poems, chronicles, non-academic essays as well as images (photographs, reproductions of art, engravings, etc.).