Associate Adjunct Professor Stephen C. Tobin published his first monograph Vision, Technology, and Subjectivity in Mexican Cyberpunk Literature (2023) with Palgrave MacMillan as part of their Studies in Global Science Fiction series.
Through an analysis of a variety of authors and their works, he argues that Mexican post-/cyberpunk becomes a privileged sub-genre through which to articulate pressing cultural preoccupations of a changing visual sphere around this time – particularly as these changes relate to the screens of television, computers, and smartphones – while taking account their complex links with broader socioeconomic changes, political shifts, and cultural transformations occurring in the country.
The book analyzes cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk science fiction novels and short stories from Mexico whose themes engage directly with visual technologies and how these affect imagined posthuman subjects – all published during and influenced by the country’s neoliberal era (1993-2014).