Before we move into the winter break, I would like to share with all of you the beautiful work that some of our undergraduate students have created for the course Spanish 44: Latin American Cultures. As some of you know, transitioning a big course of 240+ students to an online format has not been easy, but it has also had its silver linings. We feel particularly proud of the amount of love, care, effort, and creativity that our students have put into their final projects and, thus, we would like to share the results with you all.
You can visit our Latin American Cultures Online Gallery clicking here:
From here, click on “Gallery” in order to browse through PDF-based projects, and to “Video Gallery” to browse through video-based projects.
Some of the projects have impressed us greatly. If you can dedicate a few minutes of your time to browse the gallery, you will find a full-fledged website dedicated to Latin American cuisine; a collection of fictional short-stories based on some of the topics covered in the course; musicalizations of poems by Sor Juana and Roque Dalton; an original musical composition based on Bartolomé de las Casas’ Brief Devastation of the Indies; reggaeton choreographies; curated playlists of different musical genres, including rock en español; research projects on feminism and femicide in the Americas, on the impact of Covid-19 in the continent, on the environmental challenges that Latin America faces… and many, many more.
We truly hope you will enjoy it!
Best regards and happy holidays,
The team of Spanish 44, Fall 2020
(Patricia Arroyo, Gaby Barrios, Roxanna Colón-Cosme, Eduardo Díaz, Leo Hernández, Cheché Silveyra, and Letty Treviño — Special thanks to Eduardo for coming up with the idea of the Virtual Gallery and for making it a reality!)