Adelmar Ramirez, a graduate student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, recently won the first Premio Transoceánico de Poesía, a prize created as an homage to Salvadoran poet Claudia Lars, for his book Prestanombres. The prize was awarded jointly by nonprofit organizations from Barcelona and Washington D.C. as well as the Salvadoran publishing house, “Los sin pisto”. Adelmar’s lyric compositions portray personal anecdotes while proposing a dialogue with the poetry of Anna Ajmátova, Gilberto Owen, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Jenny Browne, José Carlos Becerra, and Rosa Alcalá. Adelmar is the author of Fuera de temporada, and his works have been published in magazines in the U.S., Mexico, and Argentina. Click the following link to watch an interview with the author and members of the jury: