Professor Stephen “Kip” Tobin has been selected by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center’s Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee to receive the Distinguished Teaching Award for Non-Senate Faculty for 2023-2024. Professor Tobin, who is an Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, is only one of three awardees, who were selected from a large field of nominees. The notification email from the Selection Committee states that “the award is given to faculty who have demonstrated exceptional teaching skills, creativity, and dedication to their students,” and adds that Professor Tobin’s “commitment to teaching and the positive impact [he has] made have not gone unnoticed by [his] colleagues and students.” Professor Tobin received special praise from the committee for his “ability to inspire and motivate learners.” Professor Tobin teaches a wide range of courses for the department, including “Advanced Composition and Conversation for Heritage Speakers,” “Science Fiction Film from Latin America,” Posthumanism in the Periphery: Robots, Cyborgs, and Clones in Latin American Culture,” and “Latin American Climate Fiction.” The Department of Spanish and Portuguese congratulates Professor Tobin on his well-deserved award.