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The Spanish Club of UCLA / El Club the Español

The UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese is happy to announce that El Club the Español is now active. This student space is open to all UCLA students. Club meeting dates all 6-7pm February 24th March 3rd April 7th April 21st May 5th For more information, please email El Club de Español at: Join via Zoom:...


De la Sierra a la ficción: líderes revolucionarios en la literatura cubana contemporánea

Una de las operaciones más concretas que demuestra las inevitables transformaciones en la producción literaria más recientes en Cuba tiene que ver con la conversión de Fidel Castro en personaje literario, desprovisto de cualquier carga heroica y del tono reverencial con el que se le trató siempre en la isla. Si durante décadas su transformación...


¡Relájate! – Yoga Session & Dance Party

Join us for our first-ever Zoom Dance Party! We will begin with warmups and stretches, followed by a yoga session, and we will end the event with a free-style Dance Party. The event will be led by Aranza Guzmán, Grupo Folklórico de UCLA Coordinator. We will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to the...


The Spanish Club of UCLA / El Club the Español

The UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese is happy to announce that El Club the Español is now active. This student space is open to all UCLA students. Club meeting dates all 6-7pm March 3rd April 7th April 21st May 5th For more information, please email El Club de Español at: Join via Zoom: Meeting ID:...


Binge Watching Night!

Join the GOAL program today from 5:30 - 7:00 pm for Binge-Watching Movie Night! - see the attached flyer- You need to have a Netflix account in order to participate in this event. To RSVP click here! To download flyer, please click here.


Your Future Starts Here: For Newly Admitted Latinx Students

Please join us on the evening of Monday, April 5th for Your Future Starts Here, a virtual event honoring our Latinx admits for the Fall class of 2021. As many of you know, UCLA Enrollment Management developed these strategic welcome events that feature faculty, staff, and our academic departments/centers. Research supports that early engagement with faculty helps increase the yield of these extraordinary scholars. Your presence and...

ucLADINO 2021 Symposium: Ottoman Legacies, Émigre Culture, and Linguistic Crossroads

Postponed in 2020 due to the closure of the UCLA campus, the annual UCLadino symposium will be back this year on April 7-8. The theme of "Ottoman Legacies, Emigre Culture, and Linguistic Crossroads" will lay emphasis on heritage, culture, and communication related to Sephardic Jews. The music-filled program - all organized by graduate students -...


The Spanish Club of UCLA / El Club the Español

The UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese is happy to announce that El Club the Español is now active. This student space is open to all UCLA students. Club meeting dates all 6-7pm April 7th April 21st May 5th For more information, please email El Club de Español at: Join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 976 5944 6099 Passcode: 738242 To download zoom...


ucLADINO 2021 Symposium: Ottoman Legacies, Émigre Culture, and Linguistic Crossroads

Postponed in 2020 due to the closure of the UCLA campus, the annual UCLadino symposium will be back this year on April 7-8. The theme of "Ottoman Legacies, Emigre Culture, and Linguistic Crossroads" will lay emphasis on heritage, culture, and communication related to Sephardic Jews. The music-filled program - all organized by graduate students -...
